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Author’s Book Pushes Millennials to Be Millionaires & Helps MME’s, “No Gen Z Left Behind”


(Milwaukee, WI – Oct. 26, 2020):  There are only 2 days in one’s life that matter—the day you are born and the day you find out why, according to Rachel Greer, author of “Millennial to Millionaire”. The 28-year-old Millennial highly suggests one gets out of their hourly comfort zone and move towards commission jobs as no one has ever made it inside of their comfort zone.


“I think the move in life is to pursue a commission-based job because you know your worth, so you’ll work for it. I could never pursue an hourly job ever again. Commission jobs are way more rewarding. You’ll be able to live the life you’d like to and live on your terms,” Greer said. The book explores her journey on the road to success and offers advice to fellow Millennials.


The book, subtitled “The Odds Were Never In My Favor”, is being released today, Monday, Oct. 26, 2020 exclusively through its official publisher, Millennial Millionaire Enterprises website .


Fully 50% of the proceeds from the book’s sales will go to MME’s new nonprofit, “No Gen Z Left Behind Foundation” to help provide funds to help the next generation’s entrepreneurs, business owners, and talent acts to pursue and realize their goals.


“Being underestimated is what motivates me,” Greer stated, adding that her top goal in life is to become a millionaire. MME’s CEO Emily Gahm started Millennial Millionaire Enterprises in early 2020 with the goal of helping inspire millennials to go after their dreams despite how difficult it can be. Greer is on MME’s board for its NGZ nonprofit and is very passionate about its mission.


Greer, who was in foster care at a very young age, has gone through a lot. She witnessed her hard-working mother suffer health problems for many years which traumatized her but also made her stronger to want to achieve much in her life.


In the book, the 28-year-old describes her struggles and inner demons she had to overcome to become a successful millennial. Greer wrote the book during the current Coronavirus epidemic. She cites a Pew Research Center’s statistics on how COVID-19 has severely impacted people across all generations, but especially Generation ZER’s (those aged 18-23). According to the 3/20 survey, half of the oldest Gen ZER’s reported that they or someone in their household had lost a job or taken a cut in pay due to the outbreak. This was significantly higher than the shares of Millennials at 40% which is Gen Y (those aged 24-39); Gen Xers at 36% (those aged 40-55); and Baby Boomers at 25% (those aged 56-74). Jobs data analysis also showed young workers were particularly vulnerable to job loss before the pandemic, as they were overrepresented in high-risk service sector industries. Population-wise, Gen Y leads with

72.1 million in the U.S., followed by the Baby Boomers at 71.6 million, then Gen Z with nearly 68 million, and Gen X at the bottom with 65.2 million.


Some of her success tips she offers to Millennials are:


  • Save money by investing in real estate and learning how to trade on the Foreign Exchange market -

  • Find a hobby that makes you money—if you do what you love, it is not ‘work’

  • Embrace who you truly are

  • Hustle to the top—the secret to success is to put in the work

  • Never stop believing in what you bring to the table

  • Indulge in what satisfies your deepest desires

  • Acknowledge your talents & never apologize for them!

  • Enjoy the beauty of becoming

  • It’s okay to ‘want it all’, but don’t just want it—form a plan & execute!

  • Manifest the life you’ve always imagined but know that no one is going to give it to you, so take it!


Greer is available to discuss the book and the nonprofit NGZ Left Behind Foundation. We look forward to hearing from you soon!


About MME:  Millennial Millionaire Enterprises is a hub for millennials. You can shop online, join our online social club, or be a part of our brand ambassador program.  MME’s mission is to educate and teach those who are interested in elevating their lifestyles. Non-millennials are also welcomed.

They have a Brand Ambassador Program. FMI: “Where we turn dreams into reality, and millennials into millionaires.” About NGZ Left Behind Foundation: NGZ believes anyone can emerge from nihility to commodity with the right amount of commitment to constitute a better future for themselves and their families. Individuals born between 1996 to 2015 qualify to apply. (If participants are under age 18, a legal guardian’s consent will be mandatory). To apply to be selected for funding OR to Donate to this NGZ, please go to:  Video on NGZ:

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